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Scalp reconstruction – 30th pinwheel flap

Posted on 11 Feb, 2015

Dr Ken Wong has a special interest in scalp reconstruction. This is in the setting of defects after removal of cancers from the scalp such as melanoma, squamous cell cancer or basal cell cancer. Traditionally, these defects were mended with skin grafts. However, these are often unsightly with a different colour, a bald spot and a big dent. Since 2009, Dr Ken Wong has performed many cases of scalp reconstruction using the pinwheel flap. This allows preservation of hair and natural tissue of the scalp.

1. The original skin cancer on  the dome of the scalp

Skin Cancer Surgery Newcastle 1


2. The pinwheel flap is designed.


Scalp reconstruction

Scalp reconstruction


3. The pinwheel flap immediately after closure

Completed pinwheel flap

Completed pinwheel flap